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As a student in a vocational college in Sichuan, it is important to have a good grasp of English words that are commonly tested in the single recruitment exam. Here are some of the most frequently tested words:

1. Accommodation


This word refers to a place where someone lives or stays, especially when they are away from home. In the context of college life, it could mean dormitories or rented apartments.

2. Curriculum

Curriculum is a term used to describe the courses or subjects that students study in an educational institution. It includes both the required and elective courses.


3. Extracurricular

Extracurricular activities are those that take place outside of regular class time. These can include sports, clubs, volunteer work, and other non-academic pursuits.

4. Tuition

Tuition is the amount of money charged by a school or college for instruction. This fee usually covers the cost of the courses and any related materials.


5. Scholarship

A scholarship is a form of financial #d awarded to students based on academic or other achievements. It does not need to be rep#d.

6. Internship

An internship is a temporary job or work experience offered by a company or organization to give students practical, hands-on experience in a particular field.

7. Graduation

Graduation is the formal ceremony marking the completion of a course of study. It is typically held at the end of the academic year and involves receiving a diploma or degree.

8. Major

A major is the primary area of study that a student chooses to focus on in college. It is usually chosen in the second year of study and determines the majority of courses that the student will take.

9. Minor

A minor is a secondary area of study that a student may choose to pursue alongside their major. It usually requires fewer courses than a major and is meant to complement the student's m#n area of interest.

10. Transcript

A transcript is a record of a student's academic performance, including grades received in each course taken. It is often required as part of the application process for graduate school or employment.

By familiarizing yourself with these common words, you can improve your chances of success in the single recruitment exam and in your future studies and career.

标签 标题 英语
