
院校通 0





Passage 1

It is impossible to imagine a world without electricity. People depend on electricity to light their homes, run their appliances and factories, transport people and goods, and provide entert#nment. However, the widespread use of electricity has many negative effects on our environment, including #r pollution, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.


According to the passage, what are some of the negative effects of the widespread use of electricity?

答案:#r pollution, water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions

Passage 2


The Internet has changed the way we communicate, shop, learn, and work. Online shopping has made it easier for people to buy products from around the world, while online education has made it easier for people to get an education without leaving their homes. In addition, the Internet has made it easier for people to work remotely, which has led to a rise in telecommuting.

What are some of the ways that the Internet has changed the way we live and work, according to the passage?

答案:changed the way we communicate, shop, learn, and work


I lived in a small village at the foot of a mount#n range. Our community was very tight-knit, and everyone knew each other well. One summer, our village was hit by a drought that lasted for weeks. The crops began to __1__ , and the villagers started to worry about how they would survive the winter without enough food.

One day, a man came to our village and offered to help us. He was a farmer from another village, and he had heard about our situation. He s#d he had a special __2__ that could make it r#n, and he promised to use it to end our drought.

At first, many of the villagers were skeptical. They had never heard of such a thing as a r#n-making machine and thought the man might be a fraud. However, the farmer seemed sincere, and he offered to __3__ his machine for free.

The farmer set up his machine in the center of our village, and we all gathered around to watch. He turned it on, and at first, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, the sky turned dark, and a strong wind began to blow. We all ran for cover as the r#n poured down in torrents.

After the storm had passed, the village was transformed. The crops were saved, and the villagers no longer had to worry about going hungry during the winter. We were all amazed and grateful to the farmer who had __4__ us.

1. A. sprout B. wither C. bloom D. die

2. A. machine B. medicine C. method D. magic

3. A. sell B. share C. lend D. keep

4. A. healed B. helped C. taught D. saved

答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D



W: Hey, did you hear that the school is starting a new program for students this year?

M: No, what is it?

W: It’s a mentorship program where each student will be p#red with a mentor who will help guide them through their academic and personal goals.

M: That sounds really interesting. Do you know how they’re going to choose the mentors?

W: From what I heard, they’re going to be selected from alumni and current professionals in various fields.

M: Wow, that’s impressive. I’m definitely going to sign up for the program.

What is the new program that the school is starting?

答案:a mentorship program

Who is going to be chosen as mentors?

答案:alumni and current professionals in various fields


英语 答案 高职
