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2024 年四川高职单招英语真题及答案



1. Our school has a _____ library than theirs.

A. bigger B. big C. the bigger D. the biggest

答案:A 四川高职单招英语真题及答案_四川省高职单招英语考试大纲

2. She is always willing to ____ others when they are in trouble.

A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help



3. Mary had her purse _____ while she was walking down the street.

A. stolen B. steal C. stole D. stealing


4. I’ll be away from my office for two weeks, _____?

A. won’t I B. will I C. do I D. don’t I


5. The company gave their employees a _____ of 5% this year.

A. rise B. r#se C. rise up D. increased



It was a warm afternoon in August. I was w#ting at the #rport in Boston, USA, for a flight 6______ New York. I was feeling quite 7______ because it was my first time to visit America. Suddenly, I saw a young boy who looked very sad. He was sitting alone on a seat and crying. I couldn’t help 8______ him. I walked over to him and asked him what was wrong. He told me he had lost his wallet and his plane ticket. He didn’t know what to do.

I s#d, “Don’t worry. We’ll find them.” I got the names of the #rlines (航空公司) and we walked to their desk. The young boy told the woman behind the desk about losing his wallet and ticket. She looked at him 9______ and s#d, “We can give you a new ticket, but it will cost (花费) you $50.” The young boy looked 10______. He s#d, “I don’t have any money. I’ve lost my wallet.”

I looked at the woman behind the desk and s#d, “Excuse me, ma’am (女士), this young boy is flying alone and he has lost his wallet. Can’t you do something to help him?” She looked at me and then at the boy. She thought for a moment and then s#d, “Just w#t here a minute.”

She went into a back room and returned a few minutes later with a new ticket. She gave it to the young boy and s#d, “Don’t lose it ag#n.” The young boy smiled and thanked her. Then he turned to me and s#d, “Thank you very much. You are very kind.”

6. A. to B. for C. from D. in


7. A. excited B. worried C. bored D. delighted


8. A. watching B. asking C. joining D. leaving


9. A. happily B. angrily C. sadly D. seriously


10. A. happy B. tired C. angry D. sad



A recent study shows that high school students who volunteer (志愿服务) may improve their chances of getting into college. The study found that students who had volunteered for at least 100 hours during high school were more likely to be accepted by colleges than those who had not done any volunteer work.

The study also found that volunteering can help students do better in school. Students who volunteered regularly (定期地) tended to have better grades and were less likely to drop out (辍学).

Volunteering can also help students learn about different careers (职业). For example, a student who volunteers at a hospital may decide to become a doctor or nurse. Or, a student who volunteers at a newspaper may decide to become a journalist.

Volunteering is also a way for students to meet new people and make new friends. They can work with people who have similar interests or who come from different backgrounds (背景).

Many high schools have programs that encourage students to volunteer. Some schools require students to do a cert#n number of hours of community service (社区服务) before they can graduate (毕业).

11. What does the recent study show?

A. Volunteering can help students get into college.

B. Students who volunteer tend to have better grades.

C. Students who volunteer are less likely to drop out.

D. All of the above.


12. What is one benefit of volunteering?

A. Learning about different careers.

B. Making a lot of money.

C. Getting good grades without studying.

D. Spending more time with family.


13. What is a requirement for graduation at some high schools?

A. Doing well on a test.

B. Taking a lot of classes.

C. Doing a cert#n number of hours of community service.

D. Getting a letter of recommendation from a teacher.



答案 高职 真题
