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Unit 1: Greetings and Introductions


1. A. Good morning.

B. Good morning, sir.

2. A. My name is Li Ming.

B. Nice to meet you, Li Ming.

3. A. How are you? 成都中专英语教材答案大全_成都中职英语教材

B. I'm fine, thank you. And you?

4. A. What's your phone number?

B. It's 123456789.

5. A. Where are you from?

B. I'm from China.


Unit 2: Family and Relationships

1. A. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

B. Yes, I have one brother and two sisters.

2. A. Who is that woman?

B. She is my mother.

3. A. How old is your grandfather?

B. He is 70 years old.

4. A. What does your father do?

B. He is a teacher.

5. A. Are you married?

B. No, I'm single.

Unit 3: D#ly Routine

1. A. What time do you get up in the morning?

B. I usually get up at 7 o'clock.

2. A. When do you have breakfast?

B. I have breakfast at 7:30.

3. A. What do you do in the afternoon?

B. I study and do my homework.

4. A. What time do you go to bed?

B. I go to bed at 10:30.

5. A. Do you have any hobbies?

B. Yes, I like playing basketball.

Unit 4: School Life

1. A. What grade are you in?

B. I'm in Grade 10.

2. A. How many subjects do you study?

B. I study seven subjects.

3. A. Who is your favorite teacher?

B. My favorite teacher is Mr. Wang.

4. A. What do you do during the break?

B. I chat with friends and play games.

5. A. Is there a library in your school?

B. Yes, we have a library.

Unit 5: Holidays and Celebrations

1. A. What do you usually do on New Year's Day?

B. I usually stay at home and watch TV.

2. A. When is Children's Day?

B. It's on June 1st.

3. A. How do you celebrate your birthday?

B. I usually have a party with my friends.

4. A. What do people do on Christmas?

B. They exchange gifts and decorate trees.

5. A. Do you like celebrating festivals?

B. Yes, I enjoy celebrating festivals.

Unit 6: Travel and Vacation

1. A. Have you ever been to Beijing?

B. Yes, I have been to Beijing.

2. A. Where are you going for your summer vacation?

B. I'm going to the beach.

3. A. How do you usually travel?

B. I usually travel by tr#n.

4. A. What is your favorite tourist attraction?

B. My favorite tourist attraction is the Great Wall.

5. A. Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends?

B. I prefer traveling with friends.


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