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With the increasing importance of English in today's globalized world, the English proficiency level of high school graduates has become a major concern for many people. In particular, students who plan to attend vocational colleges in Sichuan Province are required to take the English section of the national college entrance examination (commonly known as the "gaokao"). As the exam date draws near, it's important for students to prepare themselves well for the English writing section. In this article, we will provide some predictions and tips for the upcoming Sichuan vocational college entrance exam.

Predictions for the Writing Section

Based on past years' exams, it's highly likely that the writing section will require students to write an argumentative essay on a given topic. The topic could be related to current social issues, education, or environmental protection. Students will have to express their opinions clearly and logically, and support their arguments with relevant examples and evidence. Therefore, it's crucial for students to not only have a good command of English grammar and vocabulary, but also be able to organize their thoughts effectively.


Tips for Preparing for the Writing Section

To improve their writing skills, students can practice writing argumentative essays on various topics. They should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Develop strong arguments


Before writing the essay, students should br#nstorm ideas and arguments related to the given topic. They should choose the most convincing arguments and organize them in a logical order. Each argument should be supported by specific examples and evidence.

2. Use appropriate language and style

Students should use appropriate language and style for the essay. They should avoid using slang or informal language, and use complex sentence structures to demonstrate their language proficiency. Additionally, they should use transitional words and phrases to connect their ideas and make the essay more coherent.


3. Practice time management

During the exam, students should pay attention to time management. They should allocate enough time for planning, writing, and proofreading. It's important to leave some time at the end to review the essay and make any necessary corrections.


The writing section of the Sichuan vocational college entrance exam is an important part of the gaokao. By following the tips mentioned above and practicing regularly, students can improve their chances of getting a good score on the English writing section. We wish all students good luck in the upcoming exam!

标签 标题 argumentative
