prefer to的to是甚么词性_prefer to用法

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prefer to的to是甚么词性_prefer to用法

今日,院校通小编为大伙带了prefer to的to是甚么词性,有望能助帮到博大考生以及家长,一同来观观吧!

  • 词性

  • doing

prefer to的to是甚么词性

prefer to的to是甚么词性_prefer to用法

prefer to 的to是连词(精)(锐)

prefer v. 更可恨 proaly adv. 契合地



prefer to的to是甚么词性_prefer to用法


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prefer to do rather than是甚么意义

宁愿干 A,而没有愿干B.是个特殊美的句型。

取其 。。。没有如。。。供参考。

prefer to do rather than宁愿干而没有愿干双语例句1For eample, I prefer to do some sports rather than stay at home. 举例来讲,尔偏偏爱干少许疏通并不是在家休闲。2I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own. 尔可恨以及他人一同干事而没有是一个别干事。

prefer to即是甚么

归答以下:prefer to do = like to do / like doing;prefer A to B= like A etter than Bprefer to do A rather than do B = would rather do A than do B

prefer to do 以及 doing 的区别

根本不异,prefer to do 意味一时性的可恨 prefer doing意味长期的,不休性的可恨又:宁愿做。。。也没有做。。。prefer to do rather than do sth =prefer doing to doing



根本不异,prefer to do 意味一时性的可恨 prefer doing意味长期的,不休性的可恨

prefer to啥意义

在""构造中,to是介词,因而后交动词时,必需用-ing名义.其它,由于先后在构造上必需平行,因而此时的prefer以后也要用-ing名义.I prefer reading to writing.He preferred playing asketall to playing volleyall.

prefer to do 如故 doing

这二句话皆对于,但prefer to 以及prefer doing有那末一点点区别 在于: i prefer doing A to doing B. 这时候候的doing 没有能改成to do. 也

当prefer的对于象惟有一个时,prefer to以及doing皆也许,但是有二个的时光,定然是prefer doing A to doing B,

prefer A to B 以上A,B均为名词

▲prefer to do sth.宁愿干…,也没有愿干…。①i preferred to stay ehind rather than go with you . 尔宁愿留住来没有愿以及你们往。②she preferred to write to him rather than telephone him . 她宁愿给他写信也没有愿给他挨*。

prefer to的意义及共义欠语

preferto的意义一般有二个。 1、prefer s to do sth: 宁愿由或人干某事例:Our teachers prefer us not to swim in the river。尔们教员宁愿尔们没有下河往泅水!2、prefer A to B 在A以及B中更可恨A例:I prefer teacher Li to teacher Wang . 王教员以及李教员

起来尔更可恨李教员。I prefer cooking myself to eating out. 尔宁愿本人干饭也没有愿出往吃。尤其注意:在这个用法中信任的是前者,A以及B必需在名义上维持相似,要末是名词,要末是动名词。 prefer to的共义欠语也许是“etter do A rather than do B”。 祝学习入步,节日速乐!道谢!如有问题,请实时赶问!

prefer to rather than 反面交甚么名义

prefer to do sth ,rather than do sth.宁愿干某事,而没有愿干某事.

prefer to do sth\nounrather than do sth\noun

prefertodoratherthando/doing意味“取其..没有如..”“宁愿..而没有愿..”I preferto stayathomewatchingTV ratherthangodancing尔宁愿呆在家里观


prefer to do rather than do是固定搭配,prefer反面跟to do, rather than反面跟动词本形。没有也许把rather than搁在前面干谓语的,由于它没有是动词词组,而prefer是动词,因而也许搁在主语的反面,干谓语。

prefer to do doing sth是甚么意义

prefer to do / doing sth译为宁愿干某事。沉点辞汇注释:prefervt. 更可恨;宁愿;提出;晋升vi. 可恨;情愿(1)有关欠语:would prefer 宁愿;更可恨prefer to do 宁肯干某事(2)双语例句:I prefer to think of peace not war.尔更可恨念考以及平而没有是征战。prefer的用法:prefer用作动词,意味更可恨,宁愿等,后交动词时,可用没有定式或许动名词,其区别大略为:意味一般情形用动名词,意味特定举措用没有定式。prefer doing sth to doing sth译为想比拟干某事来讲更可恨干某事,一般#

较干反面那件事来讲更可恨干前面那件事的语境下。prefer to do sth rather than do sth译为相比拟干某事来讲更可恨干某事#想比拟干反面那件事来讲更可恨干前面那件事,首要是必要注意二个动词的名义先后维持相似。

prefer to dodoing sth的区别

prefer doing A to doing B Even on holidays Mr. Wang preferred reading to doing nothing. 就使在假日,王先生宁愿念书而没有愿闲着。 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. These workers prefered to work etra hours at night rather than leave the work until the net week. 这些工人宁愿添班做,也没有愿把服务留到下一个礼拜。因而你那句应该是填 to run ; swim

prefer to do sth. than do sth. 通俗指讲话的那时刻想干的# prefer doing sth than doing sth.指讲话者长时间向来的偏偏美For eample : I prefer ( running) than (swimming ).

prefer反面要交 to do意味可恨 动词反面添没有定式很正常rather than反面要添do不详 to这即是个固定句型必要违下来哦意义是可恨干某事 而没有可恨干另外一件事 比方i prefer to read ooks rather than swim.意义是尔可恨念书 没有可恨泅水 在


prefer to do sth1. than do sth. 宁肯干sth1.也没有干sthprefer doing sth1 than doing sth.取干sth相比,更可恨sth1


prefer to do sth以及prefer doing sth的用法皆有,但是有狭窄的区别。prefer to do是指欠年光的,而prefer doing是长时间的。比方:prefer to swim

即指在方今这个形象下,比拟可恨泅水,而prefer swimming则指始终皆以泅水为兴趣。

prefer A to B:可恨A胜于B。

若要添动词,那末即是prefer doing A to doing B。可恨干A胜于干B。

还有一种用法是:prefer to do A rather than do B。意义共上,仅仅另外一种讲法结束。


1、后交没有定式时取rather than 或许instead of连用,如:He prefered to die rather than (to) steal. / He perfered to die instead of stealing. 他宁死也没有往偷盗。

2、注意介词搭配,如: I prefer swimming to skating. (I like swimming etter than skating.)尔可恨泅水超过溜冰。prefer 因其原身含有比拟之意,而没有可再取more 或许most连用。

3、prefer+名词或许动名词“宁愿”,“更可恨”。He comes from Shangh#, so he prefers rice. 他是上海人,是以更可恨吃米饭。I prefer going y ike.尔宁愿骑单车往。I prefer the white one.尔可恨阿谁白的。

4、prefer to do “情愿干”。I prefer to go at once.尔情愿当场即走。

5、prefer s. to do “情愿或人干” I prefer you to go at once.尔倒有望你当场即走。

6、prefer to sth.“宁愿干...而没有干...”. I prefer tea to milk.尔宁愿喝茶也没有喝牛奶。I prefer watching TV to going out. 尔宁愿观电视也没有出往。

7、prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿干...而没有干...” I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.尔宁愿呆在家里也没有出往。

8、prefer+ that从句“宁愿”(从句一般用假造口气)I prefer that you should do it.尔宁愿你干这件事。

以上即是院校通摒挡的prefer to的to是甚么词性有关内容,想要打听更多新闻,敬请查阅院校通。

可恨 动词 意味
