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As the college entrance examination approaches, high school students are under great pressure to prepare for it. In Sichuan Province, the high vocational school entrance examination is also an important test for students who want to continue their studies. Among all subjects, English is a crucial one that requires students to have a solid foundation and effective learning methods. In this article, we will discuss some useful tips for high vocational school students to improve their English performance in the exam.

Build a Strong Vocabulary

Vocabulary plays a significant role in English learning. It is essential to build a strong vocabulary base, which can help students increase their reading speed, comprehension ability, and writing skills. High vocational school students should make an effort to memorize new words every day, learn the meanings and usage of them, and use them in practice. Besides, students can use various vocabulary apps and websites to enrich their vocabulary bank.


Master Grammar Rules

Grammar is the backbone of English learning. Mastering grammar rules can help students avoid making mistakes in speaking and writing, and improve communication accuracy. Therefore, students need to spend time reviewing grammar rules, such as tenses, sentence structures, and parts of speech. They can also practice using grammar points through exercises and quizzes.

Develop Listening and Speaking Skills


Listening and speaking are two essential skills in English communication. High vocational school students should develop good listening habits, such as listening to English songs, watching English movies, and listening to English news. In addition, they can practice speaking by participating in English clubs or speaking contests, communicating with English speakers, and recording their own voices for self-evaluation.

Improve Reading and Writing Ability

Reading and writing are closely related to vocabulary and grammar. High vocational school students should read more English articles, newspapers, and books to improve their reading ability, acquire new knowledge, and broaden their horizons. Meanwhile, they can practice writing skills through essays, articles, and other types of writing assignments. Students can also ask for feedback from teachers or classmates to improve their writing quality.



In summary, high vocational school students need to pay attention to vocabulary building, grammar mastering, listening and speaking development, as well as reading and writing improvement. With persistent efforts and effective strategies, students can achieve good results in the English exam and continue their studies in higher education institutions.

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