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With the increasing popularity of vocational education, more and more students choose to take the single recruitment admission exam in Sichuan Province. In this article, we will introduce some English words and phrases that are commonly used in vocational education and can help you pass the exam.

Academic Terms

As a student in vocational education, it is essential to master some academic terms that may be used in textbooks or lectures. For example, "curriculum" refers to the courses and their content offered by a school or program, while "syllabus" is a det#led outline of those courses. "Credit" is a unit used to measure a student's workload, and "GPA" (Grade Point Average) is the average of a student's grades across all courses.


Professional Skills

Being a vocational student also requires you to learn professional skills. For example, in the field of computer science, you may need to understand terms such as "programming language," "algorithm," and "debugging." In the field of hospitality management, you may need to know how to use terms like "customer service," "menu planning," and "food safety."

College Life


College life is not just about studying; it is also about socializing and making connections. It is important to know how to communicate effectively with your classmates and professors. You may need to use phrases such as "Could you help me with this assignment?" or "Can we schedule a meeting to discuss our project?" Also, it is helpful to know some campus-related vocabulary, such as "dormitory," "club," and "extracurricular activities."


In conclusion, to succeed in vocational education, you need to master not only the subject matter but also the academic, professional, and social vocabulary. By learning and using these words and phrases, you can improve your chances of passing the single recruitment admission exam in Sichuan Province and succeed in your future career.

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