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As the national college entrance examination is approaching, students who want to enter colleges or universities in China are busy preparing for it. However, for those who plan to attend vocational schools, the exam they need to take is different. In Sichuan province, for instance, students have to take the Sichuan Vocational College Entrance Examination, which includes English as one of the subjects. In this article, we will focus on the English section of the exam and provide some tips on how to do well.

The Format of the Exam

The Sichuan Vocational College Entrance Examination English test consists of two parts: listening and reading. The listening part has two sections, with a total of 30 questions. The first section requires students to listen to a dialogue or a monologue and answer multiple-choice questions. The second section requires students to listen to short passages and complete sentences with the missing words. The reading part also has two sections, with a total of 40 questions. In the first section, students need to read short passages and answer multiple-choice questions. In the second section, students need to read longer passages and answer questions that require them to identify the m#n idea, find specific information, or make inferences.


How to Prepare

To do well on the Sichuan Vocational College Entrance Examination English test, you need to start preparing early. Here are some tips:

  • Practice listening skills: Listen to English conversations, news, and songs every day. You can also download listening materials from the internet.
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  • Read extensively: Read English articles, books, and news every day. Pay attention to new words and phrases and try to use them in your writing.
  • Take practice tests: Take as many practice tests as possible to get familiar with the exam format and types of questions.
  • Find a study partner: Find someone who is also taking the exam and practice speaking and listening skills together.



The Sichuan Vocational College Entrance Examination English test is not easy, but with enough preparation and practice, you can do well. Remember to start early and use the tips we provided in this article. Good luck!

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